It has been a really long time since I have actually done anything to add to my blog and yes, I apologize for that. I think about it often, however thinking is not enough action to put words on a page. The last few months have been a blurr to me. But I tend not to do too much dwelling in the past, so lets move on!
I start a new job on Monday at Island Women's Healthcare as a Medical Assistant. It will be a change of pace from the job I just left since I will be one on one with a provider instead of the floater/support staff. I am a little concerned that it will be too fast for what I am used to, but I usually figure out a way to accommodate to meet the needs for each situation. The doctor seems really young so it will be fun to figure it out together. I have really enjoyed working at South Whidbey Healthcare, but from a financial standpoint I feel like this is a great opportunity. I am in a union first time ever, so I will let you know if that is worth being excited about. I will also be working 32 hours a week instead of 40, but with the pay increase I will be making just a little more to leave extra money for the commute I now have 4 days a week.
School will be starting soon for me as well. I haven't worked out a plan to achieve this goal, but it is an actual goal now instead of something I should do in the future. I have recently had the opportunity to talk to a few people that have received their education through Red Apple University (Skagit Valley College) and all have had lots of good things to say. I thought at first I would just get my foot in the door and do my LPN, but the more people I talk to the more I think I just need to get my RN. It isn't much more schooling and the pay is much better and because I want to be in surgery that's the route I need to go to not be scrubbing the floors to get into the room. I looked into getting my Surgical Tech certification, but again I would be the low man on the totum pole and I gotta live, so if I have to go into debt I might as well go all out!
James will be 5 in just a few short months and is still enjoying preschool. He seems to have fantastic days and horrible days, good days and bad days, but I think we are more on the positive side now instead of it more of a half and half. He surprises me with his kindness to his brothers, especially Carson. He never seems to mind stopping whatever he is doing to help our baby out. James will also start Gymnastics again as well as his first outdoor sport of Soccer this Spring. We were talking about it today and he is more then a little excited. We got to go to a few of his cousins games over the last year and although he has spent most of the time playing on the jungle gym, I think he understands there is a ball and running involved.
Logan is 2 and more clumsy then ever. About a month ago he got dizzy while dancing (spinning in circles) and fell and hit is head on the train table at school. No stitches but a nice little 2 inch laceration. Exactly 1 week later he fell off his brothers bunk bed and spit open his head and had to get stitches. Two weeks later he fell off the bunk bed again and reopened it, but it seems to be doing better now! Since he had tubes placed he is talking much more although he would prefer not to use his new verbal skills and continue grunting to get his needs met. He is getting taller and bigger. Logan has been in 3T clothing since the beginning of the year and could have started wearing them long before then. When James wrestles with him, Logan always wins and James usually ends up calling in help to split them up. Logan is not one to back down from a situation.
Carson is sitting with 2 teeth, which means more teeth are on the way. He still has made no attempt to crawl and I haven't even seen him on his hands and knees yet either! Carson is an excellent eater. He will eat an entire jar of baby food with each meal with some rice cereal on the side and a chaser of a bottle. He sure can put it down. He seems to have really taken well to the schedule and the lifestyle my mom lives. She says that he just sits and listens intensely to her lessons not making a sound or moving a muscle. She has been helping High/Middle Schoolers prepare solos for competitions and she has found he doesn't share a love of all musical instruments, but does for the most part enjoy brass. He seems to adapt well to strangers too...unless you have facial hair, but seems to enjoy all ladies with grey hair and glasses.