Sunday, March 23, 2014

Red Reef Trail

We fell in love with the Red Cliff Recreation Area last week! We were looking for a different trail and after driving around for an hour and almost getting stuck on a sandy road we decided to head home when this sign popped up on the side of the road.
 The trail has this little creek that runs along it and after the hike was done I let the boys strip down and enjoy the freezing cold water.
 Of course we all needed a potty break.
 A lot of the trail was steep, so Carson just went down on his bum. Of course he had also fall into the water so he was extra sandy.

 Logan is on the edge of the waterfall...this mama's heart is beating so fast here.  He moved right after I took the picture!
 We hiked up there to stand in the half circle, like in Radiator Springs! The boys were so excited up there.  The way up is completely sand...deep sand.  It was tricky getting up especially carrying up a 40 pound Carson who was too wimpy to the climb on his own.

 These natural formations were incredible and they were around every corner.  We only did half the trail because there were water falls at the beginning (there are also waterfalls at the end, but the boys were itching to get in the one that they saw instead of searching for new ones) that were melted snow! We watched older kids cliff jumping into the deep water...something I would love to do when I am not the only adult!
It was so much fun to go out with these hunks.  They keep me on my toes and life real.  I can't wait to find something else that's new that we can learn together.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Surprisingly spring happens even in Southern Utah! We have enjoyed our mild winter, but are excited for some color again instead of old half dead aloe vera plants.  This tree is right next to Logan's school and every morning when I drop him off we like to watch its progress.  From being very naked to this blooming beauty.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

We went hiking!

 One of the great things about living in Southern Utah is the beautiful weather and lots of hiking possibilities.  My goal is to go every weekend (if possible) and to actually go camping.  I bought all the stuff so that we could go camping, but we have never successfully made out! I think there was that one time that there was so much fighting that I just unpacked the car after working for hours to get everything together! The joys of raising children!

 It was such a perfect Saturday morning for a hike at Pioneer Park!
James had actually gone hiking here the weekend before with some neighbors and was happy to be our tour guide!