Saturday, January 10, 2015

Chuchwalla Trail

Today we were invited to go hiking on the Chuckwalla Trail with friends from school.  We have never been on this trail before and it was perfect for my wimpy children that would prefer to drive to the destination at the speed of light. Today's group included 5 mom's and 12 kids and everyone teamed up pretty well, although we had one close call when Logan went missing after following the big kids.  Within the first few feet Thing 3 didn't start complaining so we were off to a good start!
 Once we released the beasts they went nuts climbing rocks and taking adventures through all the caves.
 After a while we broke off into 2 groups one with the older kids and a second larger group with the younger set.  The youngsters lasted 5 minutes before we needed to stop for a snack.  Unfortunately we picked the middle of the trail which was fine for a few minutes...until a pack of bike riders came down the hill.  Thankfully they weren't going too fast and we were able to get everything out of the way.
 Wish we were older and could do some rock climbing too.
 After we got back home we did a little finger painting with paints Logan rediscovered from Christmas 2013 that were unused.  The boys had fun finger painting, especially the plates!