Saturday, January 25, 2014

Meal Calendar

When I found out I had to go back to work I knew I would have to have to start planning our meals or else my kids would be eating cereal and grilled cheese sandwiches every night! I had seen this calendar on Pinterest a while back and I get so jealous that my little sister does such a good job at meal planning so I decided I needed to do better. So I found this cute magnet calendar from Target, 3 pieces of paper, modge podge, glass pebbles, a pair of scissors and some magnets. 
After I printed out the meal ideas I applied modge podge to back of each pebble and pressed firmly to each of the meals.  After they were completely dried I used crafting scissors to cut around each pebble.  I tried to use a circular punch but the pebbles aren't a universal size, so you could see through the pebble and into the calendar.
Put some modge podge on the back to help seal and secure the paper.
Use a hot glue gun to adhere the magnets and press firmly to ensure the magnets stick well. I noticed that when I didn't press down on the magnets really well that the magnets can be tilted and tend to fall off.
This calendar was easy to assemble and it will save me some serious money if I can plan ahead and shop the sales. The kids and I sat down and decided what meals we all enjoy and I left some spots open for new recipes so we can expand our repertoire!
I also started thinking about meal prepping one day a week. On Monday I only worked a half day so I pulled out a bag if chicken (I almost wrote children) to cook up, a dozen eggs to boil, chopped up some salad and restocked the kids luches supplies.  I seasoned some chicken, cut some up for chicken nuggets/chicken parmesan, and put some in a bag with Adobe stuff and threw it in the freezer for next week. I figure if I have lunches made the night before I will have one less thing to stress about in the mornings. So far we have all been on time for school/work, so it must be working!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

It's Sunday!

Years ago my sister said that she had a friend that used to take family pictures on fast Sundays.  I loved that idea and did a good job for James first year, but then life happens and it has been hit or miss.  Now I figure if I get it done one a month it should count!
I love how much character this kid's not like I asked him to do this pose, it just happen that way!
So official.  My CEO all the way!
James tried really hard to smile and look normal, maybe too hard.
This is how boy pictures usually end in my house! Everyone on the floor wrestling, but happy!
Now to get off to church!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

Family Pictures

 At the beginning of December we had our family pictures done and of course it happens during a fluke cold streak in St. George! We planned on doing a 90 minute session at the park, but when we got back out to the car after 30 minutes out in the snow the temp was 19 degrees and all 3 boys were crying.
This was first pose which explains why everyone looks happy.  Shortly after this Logan pushed Carson down in the snow and Carson's nose started bleeding.

I was glad we wore white so that it was easy to photoshop my shirt white.  I am sure eventually my boys will stop wiping their faces on me. Between the blood, snot and was lovely!
 Poor sad Carson, brothers pick on him all the time for being the baby.
 A tender moment of happiness!

I'm so grateful for all that we have been through together this year.  We have moved twice from Washington to another Washington, made new friends, started school, quit a job, got a cat, had birthday parties and bought 15 new Lego sets (that was a sad reality).  We are already looking for big things to happen in 2014. I am restarting school, getting a job and we will be moving AGAIN. Life will never be the same!?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I found selfies

 Can you tell me who has a problem?

Logan likes taking pictures!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

This was our first Christmas on our own and I gotta say it was...boring.  It's funny how quickly they can open presents and then the clean up begins.
On Christmas eve we had a turkey dinner with one of our neighbors, ate pie, homemade candy cane ice cream and opened stockings. 
 Have you ever seen someone so excited for fuzzy socks that he picked out himself?
 Or these?
 At the same time?
I had to throw this one in that James took of me and the little boys on Christmas Eve just to prove I do exist. 
 Christmas jammies!

Hoping that someday he will learn how to just smile and not be a goof. 
 Our little tree that we brought home in the back of my tiny car smashing my boys.
 My boys before they saw that Santa came!
 And so it begins!
 The boys were able to have Curtis on the computer (Skype) while they opened presents.  It did make me miss my family and our traditions, but it was fun to have my boys with me.
 Enoying their spoils

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam...

My sweet baby is a Sunbeam this year!
  Its hard to believe that these boys are getting so big and I will be planning a baptism in 4 months. So many milestones that we get to watch and celebrate together!
Carson was such a big boy when I dropped him off in Primary.  He was one of 11 new Sunbeams this morning and it was like he's been sitting in that seat for months! His teacher said that he told her his name was Tyson and his class agreed with that until he noticed that his hat didn't say his name at the end of class.  She was so embarrassed, but I was proud that he was able to recognize his name was wrong!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Logan's Class Party

 I had the chance to help plan Logan's kindergarten class party and although I didn't get a chance to take a ton of pictures it was a blast! The kids pined a star to the Christmas tree (blindfolded), decorated foam ornaments and Christmas trees, decorated sugar cookies with LOTS of sprinkles and then topped it off with a gift exchange
 Carson was lucky enough to attend 3 class parties for Christmas!
 The face of PRIDE
It's a Spiderman flashlight!