Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Things you've missed...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Another First
Logan was so cute the other day at the Freeland Park. He kinda wondered away from me and crawled through the wood chips up the stairs and down the slide only to do it again and again! He had never done this before nor was he coached to do so! He really continues to surprise me!!!
Dishwasher or Jungle pick

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Fat Smitty's

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pictures in the Grass
Thursday, July 9, 2009
You left the Mormon in charge of a Bar?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
We've been having fun!
At Imagine Children's Museum James flew an airplane... made treats...
made funny faces with James...
shared a cliff bar with mom (or Linda as he prefers to call me)
My boys are so great! They are busy, but I couldn't ask for anything else. James is so curious that it drives me crazy, but I love it that he loves learning. Sometimes it seems like he isn't listening and that he's just yanking my chain, but he has started counting and talking better.
Logan has also been growing by leaps and bounds. I was doing the dishes and had the dishwasher open and when I looked down Logan had crawled into the dishwasher and was chewing on a spoon. I can honestly say that James never did that, but as my mom will tell you I was into everything all the time. There is more than one copy of baby Linda in the dishwasher, on the refrigerator and peeing on the upright piano! It also seems like he has thinned out. No more double chins or jowls, I went out to lunch with a friend this week and her son maybe bigger than Logan ever was.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Out in the Sun!
We went to the Chocolate Gardens. They only have plants that smell like chocolate! Its pretty awesome. We planted some outside the kitchen window and just to the right of the front walk way. I am excited for them to start blooming and enjoy the chocolate essence!
Logan didn't enjoy the flowers as much as I did, but he did enjoy the bird poop he found on this chair. Isn't he cute! I really tried to get one with both my boys but James couldn't sit still long enough to do anything for me!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Playing together
Monday, June 1, 2009
Family in Utah
Saturday was a frenzy of errands and family. My sister in laws family was all there, but her mom, and they brought most of the yummy food. My little brother was nervous about the blessing, but did a fantastic job, not sure that there is such a thing as a bad blessing, but the spirit was felt and all went well.
Sunday we had a good laugh at church. James sat with me as well as my niece Claire (almost 5). While the sacrament was going around I thought that I would close my eyes and just ponder for a moment and enjoy the peace when my son, taps me on the shoulder and says, "mom wake up!" That was one of those moments that you laugh because it wasn't your kid...right it was mine...nice!
After sacrament meeting we left in moms new car headed North. My mom's new car is still very new and has now been broken into by 2 very sweet boys. Poor mom, she didn't want any juice or any food in the car, and when your driving with a 3 year old it's so hard to control everything he does. For the most part the boys slept good and played well. James realized that the car is small enough that he can open his own door while still buckled! That was fun!
When we got in the ferry line we were in lane 7 of maybe 20 lanes but when you start loading at lane 12 you don't think your going to make it. So I jumped out to get 2 Salmon Caesar Salads and one pasta bowl from the Ivar's restaurant. Well just in case y'all care, you can still make it on even being in lane 7. While I was getting dinner, mom and Logan were getting on the ferry and leaving us behind. Luckily we got our food and were able to explain the entire thing to the ticket lady and didn't have to pay again! Mom made it on the 7:00 ferry and James and I made it on the 7:30. Made for an interesting day at least.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Gone Fishin'
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Relay for Life
Friday, May 22, 2009
PF Changs
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Good times at 2571!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Logan fell asleep eating strawberries! I have never seen something so sweet! He kept bobbing so I ran and got the camera while Curtis was telling me to take pity on the poor kid, but if I took pity than I wouldn't have these pictures or stories to tell him in 5 years!
Look at those gorgeous lips!
The Zoo with Papa
James playing in a little African hut. He was being so sweet playing in them, he is such an animated boy.
Playing on the elephant.